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Your Home’s Air Conditioning Efficiency

Since manufacturers, local utilities and the federal government are offering rebates, people have a better understanding of SEER and EER (efficiency ratings) of air conditioners. Overall, this is a good thing, but it only addresses half of the problem.

The air distribution system (air ducts) are the other half of the equation and have nothing to do with the published SEER or EER ratings. The only way to know if your system is even close to running at capacity is to test it after it is installed so that the entire system, including the ductwork, is tested.

Have you spent good money on a new system but still have hot spots, cold spots or uncomfortable rooms; or maybe you haven’t seen your energy bills reduced? Are you thinking about taking advantage of a rebate by purchasing new high efficiency equipment? If your answer is ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then please think about the whole system. Efficient new equipment on old, inefficient ducts is a recipe for discomfort — or worse, failure.

Call to have a certified professional test your entire system today.

See for yourself why Austinites have trusted us since 1976.